January has been kind of a slow month for me when it comes to writing. I haven't written as much as I want due to writer's block. Instead, I've been reading a lot.
"Foothills Fae Academy: Book Three" is complete and is in some readers' hands for feedback. I'll make the changes they feel should be done once I start getting feedback. If anyone is interested in ARC copies, let me know.
"Book Four" now has eleven chapters written. I finally got back into writing last night, and it's how I've been spending my weekend between working on this website and my book.
One of the scenes was particularly hard to write a few weeks ago, so I think that's why I've had writer's block.
However, I'm still ahead of schedule. The pre-order dates are for December, but they could be released sooner. "Book Three" could be released in the spring or summer. Depending on if I'm able to stay out of writer's block, "Book Four" could come a lot sooner too.
Thank you to all who ordered copies of Books One and Two from the "Stuff Your Kindle" event. I was shocked by the number of downloads. I never expected to see so many.
"Book One" went through some changes. I took out extra POVs that people didn't like from it and added some additional scenes from Amber’s POV.
I wanted to do the same for "Book Two," but I couldn't find Amber’s original chapters, so for now, it will remain the same.
It's another reason why I've struggled a bit with "Book Four." Some POVs were supposed to be through Mason’s and Ellen’s brothers because the characters are separated, but I don’t want to displease readers with too many, so I've been a little stuck from my original plan with it. However, I'm sure I'll be able to come up with something soon.
I'll continue to work on this website when I can with links to my books. I'm still working out newsletters, but if you'd like to be part of my mailing list, you can sign up. I think they'll be more or less blog posts updating everyone on my writing.
For anyone interested in "Frost vs. Fire," my next series, I have not started yet. I want to finish "Book Four" before I begin it. Amber, Ben, Ellen, and Michael are on my mind too much, so it's hard to start a new project.
I truly hope you enjoy their journeys for the last two books. I've been taking in a lot of your feedback, and I've learned a lot from the mistakes I made in "Book One" and even "Book Two." So, I'm hoping each book in the series improves because of that.
I'll keep you all updated on "Book Three's" release!